Current location: Bed with my laptop
Current mood: Emo and Lovey-dovey
Current Music: Nana Mizuki - Uchi e Kaerou
Current Currency: Gald~ >=3
(lol Currency? WTF?)
Let's see, Bleach Souls, ToS (In construction), Kuro Kami, UlquiHime, oh wait! What's that? The Anime Club at my school wants me to make a forum just for them?! Oh boy =_="" XD So lately I've been all over the internet looking for things to add to the various forums I run. Luckily UlquiHime still has Starky and the other admins to run it. So I don't have to keep my eyes on it as much as the others. @_@
My LJ hasn't been updated in a little while... I should go there next XD
Ana Bojic Vucicevic! Volim te jako puno!!!! T.T Come back soon...
*ahem* (Blah blah the various other happenings of my life that are soooo worthy of blogging on Soul Society. XD)
Well I just wasted your time with my incoherent rambling of a "blog". See you at my next entry! Where I might actually talk about relevant things! XD